10 benefits of IV therapy for your health and wellbeing
10 benefits of IV therapy for your health and wellbeing
If you’re new to IV hydration therapy, you may be surprised to learn that it offers some fantastic benefits.
Did you know that the first record of someone performing IV therapy dates back to 1492 when a doctor tried to save the life of Pope Innocent VIII with a blood transfusion?
Since then, IV therapy has evolved to be one of the most widely used treatments in modern medicine. We’re now able to take more than 600 years of knowledge and offer IV therapy to anyone who wants to give their health and wellbeing a boost with vitamin infusions.
The reason IV therapy is so effective is that it delivers key nutrients straight into your bloodstream, by-passing your digestive system for rapid absorption. This means that your body is able to process 100% of the nutrients it needs, rather than the estimated 20% absorbed from diet and oral supplements.
If you’re new to IV hydration therapy, you may be surprised to learn that it offers some fantastic benefits (and if you’re already a fan, here are some reasons to love it even more!):
1. A great way to rehydrate
If you’ve been feeling dehydrated, run down or have had a busy few days, a vitamin infusion can help to rehydrate you and fight off the headaches, brain fog and fatigue that are often signs you haven’t been drinking enough water.
Electrolytes such as calcium, magnesium and potassium are all essential for keeping you well hydrated. This makes our Get Up and Go IV an ideal choice for when you need to feel refreshed.
2. A weight loss kick starter
Our diet and weight loss Fat Burner Plus drip contains amino-acids such as carnitine and arginine that can help to speed up your metabolism, reduce your weight, build muscle mass and boost your liver function when combined with a healthy diet.
3. Helps your athletic performance
For those of you on a journey towards better health and fitness, our Muscle Builder infusion contains the amino acids that help to repair cellular damage, reduce recovery time, fuel your muscle growth and improve your endurance.
4. A fast and pain-free pick-me-up
Most vitamin infusions take between 30 and 60 minutes, which means you can give your body a quick pick-me-up of key vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and electrolytes in under an hour and then carry on with your day.
The Energiser, Ultimate Hit Drip, Wellness and Get Up & Go drips are all ideal if you need an energy boost, especially if you’re recovering from jet lag or life has been busy recently.
5. Boosts your immune system
Each B vitamin has a vital role to play in energising your body and strengthening your immune system. Similarly, amino-acids such as lysine can help to improve your body’s healing response.
IV therapy has been used extensively to boost the immune systems of people undergoing treatment for cancer. We’re now able to take these benefits and offer vitamin infusions to anyone who wants to give their immune system a bit of a power-up. Our Immuno Booster is ideal for this.
6. Great for healthier skin
Vitamin C plays a vital role in keeping your skin healthy. As well as helping your skin to look soft and smooth, it can help to protect you against sun damage and certain skin diseases. The human body is unable to make its own vitamin C, so our intake usually comes from what we eat. As we saw at the beginning of this article though, our digestive system is only able to absorb a small amount of the vitamins and minerals in our diet.
Having a Skin Brightening drip with a high dose of vitamin C is a proven way to give your skin some tender loving care.
7. Ideal for people with conditions that cause nutritional deficiencies
If you have an illness like Crohn’s Disease, Celiac Disease, colon cancer, short bowel syndrome or cystic fibrosis, it can lead to nutritional deficiencies because your digestive system isn’t able to absorb everything it needs from your diet. IV therapy enables you to by-pass your digestive system to receive vital vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and electrolytes. The Health Boost Plus drip or Wellness drips include a powerful blend of amino-acids, which are vital for transporting nutrients, protecting you against illness and maintaining your physical and mental health.
8. Increases your energy levels
Instead of reaching for your next cup of coffee or a hit of sugar, a vitamin infusion can give you a natural energy boost that lasts for more than a few minutes. The Energiser drip contains a mix of B vitamins and amino-acids, which can help to lift your mood, fight off illness and feel energised.
9. Great for your cardiovascular health
Amino-acids such as arginine and electrolytes such as magnesium are good for cardiovascular health. Magnesium, for example, is necessary to maintain a steady heartbeat and normal blood pressure. The Energiser drip contains these powerful nutrients. While, of course, it can’t be used as a guarantee against heart disease, it can support a healthy diet and regular exercise.
10. Boosts your mental health
IV therapy is known to relieve the symptoms of anxiety and depression. This is due to the use of nutrients such as taurine and magnesium, which have been shown in clinical studies to reduce the effects of stress, promote a good night’s sleep and calm down feelings of anxiety.
The Ultimate Hit Drip, Health Boost Plus, Wellness and Get Up & Go drips all fit the bill here.
To book your IV hydration therapy treatment
All of IntraVitas protocols we use at Medikaur have been thoroughly researched and developed by a team of leading medical doctors, naturopathic doctors, and nutritionists. They offer a quick and effective way to lift your energy and make sure your body can use all the nutrients to their full potential.